Call: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE-STRAND-2 Capacity building in the field of higher education STRAND 2
Project number: 101187376
Project acronym: GreenTech Horizons
Project duration: from November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2027
University of Novi Sad (UNS), Serbia
Riga Technical University (RTU), Latvia
Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania
University of Split (UNIST), Croatia
The University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow (UITM), Poland
European Academy (EA), Latvia
Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU), Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Technological University (ATU), Azerbaijan
Mingachevir State University (MSU), Azerbaijan
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU), Kazakhstan
International Engineering Technological University (METU), Kazakhstan
Almaty Technological University (ATUKZ), Kazakhstan
Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mongolia
The National University of Mongolia (NUM), Mongolia
Azerbaijan Scientific-Research and Design-Prospecting Power Engineering Institute (AzET), Azerbaijan
Verto Business Limited Liability Partnership's (VERTO), Kazakhstan
EPG - Power Progress Group (EPG), Mongolia
Project URL:
The GreenTech Horizons project establishes a diverse and multi-country cross-regional partnership that includes:
• Azerbaijan: 3 higher education institutions (HEIs) and 1 industry partner,
• Kazakhstan: 3 HEIs and 1 industry partner,
• Mongolia: 2 HEIs and 1 industry partner,
• European Union and Associated Countries: 5 HEIs from 4 EU Member States (Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Croatia), 1 HEI from Serbia (a third country associated with the Programme), and 1 VET provider from Latvia.
The GreenTech Horizons general objective is to support a prosperous twin green & digital transition in the Neighbourhood East, Central Asia, and Asia regions with specific reference to Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Mongolian contexts by comprehensive and effective development and uptake of twinning green, digital and business skills needed for a modern workforce that can contribute to sustainable growth & jobs. This will be done by designing, developing, and piloting an innovative competency-oriented learning ecosystem that will help future generations acquire the skills they need to meet the challenges and opportunities of the twin green & digital transition and elevate their positive impact on society.
The competency-oriented learning ecosystem will consist of the following:
Target groups of the GreenTech Horizons project: Students [Individual level]. Teachers [Individual level]. Workers [Individual level]. HEIs [Institutional level]. Employers [Institutional level] Policymakers and Governments [Systematic level].
Capacity building in the field of higher education STRAND 2
MUST receives its fourth accreditation certificate
4 students awarded “Tavan Bogd” Group’s full tuition fee scholarship
An agreement signed with the best universities of the United States to implement mutually beneficial programs
MUST will participate in the project "Glocal University 30" financed by the Government of the Republic of Korea