Latest news

Capacity building in the field of higher education STRAND 2
Project number: 101187376 Project acronym: GreenTech Horizons Project duration: from November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2027

MUST receives its fourth accreditation certificate
The Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) has been successfully accredited for the fourth time for a period of 10 years until 2034.

4 students awarded “Tavan Bogd” Group’s full tuition fee scholarship
In the framework of the cooperation between MUST and Tavan Bogd Group, 4 students, affiliated at School of Civil Engineering and Architecture

An agreement signed with the best universities of the United States to implement mutually beneficial programs
With the leadership and support of the Ministry of Education of Mongolia and the Embassy of Mongolia in the United States, we started a mutually beneficial cooperation development agreement with the best universities in the United States

MUST will participate in the project "Glocal University 30" financed by the Government of the Republic of Korea
The delegation led by the President Prof. Namnan Tumurpurev participated the meeting “Korea-Mongolia Policy Development Meeting” at Chuson University
Our Academics Programs



About our university

Welcome to Mongolian University of Science and Technology
The history of MUST starts from 1959, as civil engineers and industrial engineer-economist professionals have been commenced to
prepare in Mongolia.
For 60 years of our history, MUST has been home for hundreds of scholars, faculties, and youth for their research and academic
activities. We are continuously striving to strengthen our reputation for academic and research excellence in the fields of
engineering, education, social and business in the global community.

Our university
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