
БНХАУ-ын Өвөр Монголын Хөх хотын Технологийн Их Сургуульд
2009-03-31 18:51 Админ




БНХАУ-ын Өвөр Монголын Хөх хотын Технологийн Их Сургуульд 2009-2010 оны хичээлийн жилд дор дурьдсан мэрэгжлийн дагуу магистр ба доктор оюутан элсүүлэх тул сонирхсон хүмүүс Эрчим хүчний инженерийн сургуулийн Дулаан хангамж, автоматжуулалтын багийн хаягаар харъцана уу ?

                             УТАС: 324590-2812


Бүртгэх хугацаа: 2009 оны 4-р сарын 3-наас ЭХИС дээр


      Тусгай нөхцөл:

          1. Сургалтын төлбөр ба тэтгэлэгийг Хятад улсын засгийн газар хариуцна;         

          2. Шалгарсан оюутан БНХАУ-н засгийн газраас сар бүр  магистр-1700 юань,

              доктор-2000 юанийн тэтгэлэгтэй;

          3. Суралцах хугацаа-1 жил хэлний бэлтгэл, 3 жил үндсэн мэргэжлээрээ

              суралцаж төгсөх болно.



A.        Postgraduate Doctorate Programs


Language of instruction


Most of the doctor programs and courses are taught in Chinese, although there are some programs and courses taught in English or Mongolian. Applicants with no knowledge of Chinese language can take one year of the Chinese language course. The scholarship will extend to cover this period.


002  College of Sciences(0086-471-6575877)


080102        Solid Mechanics

Research interests:

01 Experimental meso-mechanics

02 Composite Mechanics

03 Mechanical behaviors of new materials

04 Structural design and mechanical analysis of solid propellant rocket

05 Mathematical methods for mechanical problems

06 Dynamical Analysis and optimization of electromechanical system

07 Mathematical methods for mechanical problems

08 Design art of solid propellant rockets


004     College of Chemical Engineering (0086-471-6576137)




081702        Chemical Technologies

Research interests:

01 Fine chemical technology

02 Chemical process technology

03 Catalyst production science and reaction engineering

04 Multi-phase Catalysis

05 Inorganic Material chemistry

06 Environmental catalytic engineering and materials


005   College of Energy and Power Engineering(0086-471-6576145)


080703   Power Machinery and Engineering

Research interests:

01 Renewable energy technologies and applications

02  Heat conduction, media and their enhancement and energy utilization technologies

03 Power Machinery automatic control and testing technology


006  College of Materials Sciences and Engineering(0086-471-6577287)


080503        Material Processing Engineering

01 Non Ferrous Metals Preparation and Forming Technology

02 Materials Developing, Forming and Quality Controlling Technology

03 Advanced Metal Working and Mechanical Behavior Studies




B.               Postgraduate Master Degree Programs


Language of instruction


Most of the master degree programs and courses are taught in Chinese, although there are a few programs and courses taught in English or Mongolian. Applicants with no knowledge of Chinese language can take one year of the Chinese language course. The scholarship will extend to cover this period.



001  College of Mechanical Engineering

●080200 Mechanical engineering

●080401 Precision instrumentation and machinery

●080402 Testing and measurement technology and instruments

002  College of Sciences

●070102 Computational mathematics

●077301 Physical Electronics

●080100 Mechanics

003  College of Information Engineering

●080804 Electronics for electric power and electric transmission

●081101 Control theory and control engineering

●081102 Testing technology and automation

●081203  Computer applications

004  College of Chemical Engineering

●080706 Chemical Process Mechanics

●081700 Chemical Engineering and Technology

●083002 Environmental engineering

005  College of Energy and Power Engineering

●083002 Environmental engineering

●080702 Thermal engineering

●080703 Power machinery and engineering

●080704 Fluid machinery and engineering

●082304 Motor vehicle engineering

006  College of Materials Sciences and Engineering

●080500 Materials Sciences and Engineering

●080901Physical electronics

007  College of Management

●020204 Finance

●020205 Industrial Economics

●020209 Ecometrics

●120100 Management science and engineering

●120200 Business Administration

008  College of Architecture and Civil Engineering

●081302 Architectural design and theories

●081401 Soil engineering

●081402 Structural engineering

●081404 Heating, gas supply, ventilation and air-conditioning engineering

009  College of Light Industries and Textiles

●082103 Fiber chemistry and dyeing engineering

010  MBA Center

●087100 Management science and engineering

●120280 Master of Business Administration

013  College of Electric Power Engineering

●080802 Electric power system and its automation



B.  Application for master degree programs

Admission requirements

(1)  Applicants must be a bachelor degree holder or bachelor degree students pending graduation.(Those bachelor degree students pending graduation must produce evidence from the university authority that he can and will have the bachelor degree before the start of the master degree  study);

(2)  Applicants must be in good health;

(3)  Applicants should be no more than 40 years old.

(4)  Two letters of recommendation from experts at or above associate professor level in the applicant's research field are required.


Application materials

(1)    Application form(two copies);

(2)    Passport copies((two copies);

(3)         Bachelor degree and/or bachelor diploma copies(two sets)( Those   bachelor degree students pending graduation must produce evidence from the university authority that he can and will have the bachelor degree before the start of the master degree study);

(4)    Two letter of recommendation;

(5)    Transcript of the bachelor study period ;

(6)    Health evidence;

(7)    Personal statement;

(8)    Proof of a foreign language (if any);


C. Application for undergraduate programs (omitted)

4.  Tuitions, Fees and Scholarships

The Chinese government will provide a number of full scholarships to the outstanding applicants to the doctor and master degree programs covering the applicant's tuition, living costs, textbooks and health insurance.

The scholarships are not applied separately. They are considered at the same time of the admission processing.

The scholarship is competitive on the basis of the evidence of the candidate's scholastic excellence.

5.         Inquires on Application and Admission

Contact persons:

Mr. Alatan

Mr. Fan Xiaobin

Mr. Caolumen

Application mailing address:

Office for International


Inner Mongolia University of Technology

No. 49, Aimin Street, Xincheng District

Huhhot, Inner Mongolia, 010051


Telephone:       0086-471-6575720



Fax:                 0086-471-6510939







Inner Mongolia University of Technology

1.Brief Introduction

Founded in 1951, Inner Mongolia University of Technology (IMUT) originated form Suiyuan Higher Technical School. In 1958 it was named Inner Mongolia Engineering College, and in 1993 it was renamed Inner Mongolia University of Technology(IMUT). It is situated in Hohhot, the capital city of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, with an area of 1,200,000 square meters. After more than 50 years of development, Inner Mongolia University of Technology (IMUT) has become a multidisciplinary university of engineering focusing on engineering, sciences, liberal arts, management, economics and law.

IMUT now contains 16 colleges and 2 other teaching departments, contained within these levels are 5 key disciplines and 2 key laboratories authorized by the autonomous region, 4 disciplines towards Doctor's Degrees, 49 discipline towards Master's Degrees, 11 discipline tracks towards Mater's Degree in Engineering, 53 disciplines for undergraduate education, 23 professional training specialties and 30 for higher vocational education. Therefore, there is a multi-level coordinated and balanced teaching model with the main program being undergraduate education (including programs for minorities), and other programs such as post-graduate education, the second Degree, short 2-3 year higher education, and higher vocational education. Currently there are over 22,000 students of various types enrolled at IMUT. In the past 50 years or more, Inner Mongolia University of Technology has turned out more than 60,000 graduates with a solid foundation in specialized knowledge, excellent skills and moral integrity; these graduates have been well accepted in all parts of the country for their devotion to their work.

IMUT has a teaching staff of over 2,162 with 1,178 full-time teachers, which includes 102 Professors and Senior Engineers and 279 Associate Professors, including 256 postgraduate advisors.

In recent years, Inner Mongolia University of Technology has made great strides to enlarge the number of teaching programs, to increase its investment in education, and to consistently improve its teaching conditions. Currently there are 8 experiment centers, one Center for Network & Information, one Computer Center, 29 research institutes, a variety of other centers, language labs, multi-media classrooms, and teaching facilities. With an area of 9,800 square meters, the university library has become one of the key centers for scientific and technological documents and materials in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, as well as the number one first-rate Document Retrieval Center for consultative services. The campus computer network can satisfy the needs of routine teaching, research and management. The university also boasts a well-equipped and multi-functional gymnasium.

 In order to meet the needs of social and economic development of the region, Inner Mongolia University of Technology continues to combine teaching, research and production by the cultivation and utilization of the natural resources of the region through the development of key industries and enterprises which promote the transformation of technology into productivity, thus bringing about both positive economic and social effects.

IMUT participates actively in both domestic and international exchange. Effective cooperation exists with dozens of universities such as Tsinghua University and Tianjin University in teacher training, academic exchanges, technological cooperation and other programs. It has also secured intercollegiate relations with the U.S.A, Canada, Japan, Russia, Mongolia, and Singapore.

In the past 50 years, after generations of hard work, the university has achieved great success in education and has developed a school spirit of "Democracy, Unity, Diligence, Strictness, Truth, and Progress." Looking ahead to the future, the entire teaching staff and student body of Inner Mongolia Polytechnic University are committed to shouldering the responsibility of the great task bestowed by the people, making concerted efforts to keep pace with the times, and pioneering prospects for a bright future.






















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