
Итали улсын Трентогийн их сургуульд эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд оролцохыг урьж байна
2011-10-12 20:10 Админ

I TICME 2011- 2nd meeting
Advances in Materials for Energy and Environment

that will take place in Trento, Italy in December 12-14th, 2011.

The 2011 Conference is the second event after the 1st meeting on “Advances in Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials”, held in Trento in 2007.

- Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion: fuel cells, batteries, hydrogen storage
- Materials for Solar Energy: organic and inorganic photovoltaics, photocatalysis, solar thermal
- Advanced Materials for Energy Saving: buildings and transportation
- Materials for Environmental Sensors: gases, chemicals, nanopowders, radiation

All the Oral contributions are upon invitation:
Deadline: Abstract submission, October 21, 2011;

Further information is available on the conference web site:

Affiliated schools