
English Proficiency Exam
2011-11-16 00:01 Админ

Graduate students for Master degree will take the exam on 27 Nov. 2011 and the following tasks will be given in the exam.


1.      Reading comprehension check /24 point/

Texts for reading comprehension with following exercises

2.      Grammar and vocabulary tasks /50 points/

Simple tenses /present, past, future/

Continuous tenses /present, past, future/

Perfect tenses /present, past, future/

Perfect continues tenses /present, past, future/

Gerund and Infinitive



Passive voice

Reported speech

3.      Translation from Mongolian into English   and visa vice (scientific and professional  texts)   /16 points/

4.      Formal writing /10 points/

-          Essays

-          Formal letters

-          Abstracts

-          Reports and reviews  

Affiliated schools