"Master's + Doctoral" from Kwangwoon University, South Korea
student exchange program
South Korean Kwangwoon University, a University with a cooperation agreement with MUST, presents the Master+Doctoral (5-years) student exchange program starting in the fall of 2024. The program will select and study students in the following majors. It includes:
Kwangwoon University Scholarships:
Important dates
Course start date: September 2024.
Interview: on May 24, 2024 (Friday) at MUST.
Deadline for applications: At MUST from April 22, 2024 (Monday) to May 3, 2024 (Friday). At Kwangwoon University: May 13, 2024.
NOTE: Printed documents submitted to MUST can be copies of original documents. The documents sent by email to onon@must.edu.mn, must be originals. Also, all documents delivered by mailed to Kwangwoon University must be originals.
Interview: After receiving the documents, it will be held on May 24, 2024 (Friday) at MUST. For more information on general requirements, application materials and programs, please visit the following links. Graduate School website of the Kwangwoon University: https://graden.kw.ac.kr/admission/calendar.php and Admission Guidebook click here and download
Coordinators of the MUST:
Coordinators of the Kwangwoon University:
Office of International Relations and Social Partnerships of MUST 1-218
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