Fulbright тэтгэлэгт хамрагдана уу


              International Fulbright Science

& Technology Award 2011    



 The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy to Mongolia is now accepting applications for the 2010 Fulbright International Science and Technology Award.


The International Fulbright Science and Technology Award is for Ph.D study at top U.S. institutes in science, technology and engineering.  Eligible fields include: aeronautics and astronomic/aeronautical engineering, astronomy/planetary sciences, biology, biomedical engineering, chemistry, computer sciences/engineering, energy, engineering (electrical, chemical, civil, mechanical, ocean and petroleum), environmental science/ engineering, geology/ earth and atmospheric sciences, information sciences/engineering, materials science/engineering, mathematics, neuroscience/brain and cognitive science, oceanography, and physics.         


To qualify, applicants must:


  • Be a Mongolian citizen
  • Hold a first university degree (B.A. or equivalent)
  • Fluent English (Minimum IBT score of 92)
  • Be available for a personal interview with the selection panel


By April 30, 2010 interested applicants must submit to the Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Embassy :


-          Application Form (please download from the US Embassy website: https://www.embassy- worldwide.com/embassy/u-s- embassy-in-ulaanbaatar- mongolia/)             

-          A clearly written research objective

-          A professional resume

-          3 Letters of reference

-          IBT score report of 92 (Institutional TOEFL will be accepted, minimum score 580)


Entry House, U.S. Embassy

Big Ring Road, XI  Microdistrict, Ulaanbaatar

Telephone: 312372 or 329095



 Гадаад Харилцаа, Хамтын Ажиллагааны Газар