Америкийн Монгол Судалалын Төв

This Month in Mongolian Studies – March 2010


This is a monthly listing of selected academic activities and resources related to Mongolia Ulaanbaatar and around the world. This list is based on information the ACMS has received and is presented as a service to its members. If you would like to submit information to be included in next month's issue, or have received this message in error, please contact the ACMS at info@mongoliacenter.org



ACMS Speaker Series

ACMS Annual Meeting

ACMS Trainings

New Acquisitions at the ACMS Library

Grants, Scholarships, Fellowships

Call for Papers, Manuscripts, Nominations




ACMS Speaker Series


Interdependent Co-Arising: Contemporary Ideas of Buddhism in Ulaanbaatar.

Saskia Anderson, PhD candidate, Anthropology Department, University of Western Australia.





The Inner Mongolian Dance Andai as Dance Therapy

Cathy Kmita, Ph.D Candidate, University of Alberta





ACMS Annual Meeting – Open to the Public



This year's annual members meeting will be held in Philadelphia as part of the AAS annual conference in Philadelphia. The annual meeting is a way to extend our many thanks. To ACMS members and includes the official members' meeting, poster session, musical performances, and Mongolian food. The Mongolia Cultural Center (MCC) in Washington, DC will co-organize the post-meeting events for a third year, and we thank them for their continued cooperation in providing public exposure to Mongolian culture.

The meeting and post-meeting activities are open to the public. Hope to see you there!

For questions about the event contact: info@mongoliacenter.org.


ACMS Trainings


ACMS Web-based Applications and Resource Literacy Training is for students and faculty to develop search strategies for locating information relevant to their educational and research needs and to learn how to use web-based and freely available tools to strengthen their search and communication strategies. To apply, students should register by sending an email to library@mongoliacenter.org before the training.


Google Advanced Search



Google Scholar

MARCH 10, 2010, 5PM ROOM 304, BUILDING NO. 5 NUM


Google Docs

MARCH 17, 2010, 5PM ROOM 304, BUILDING NO. 5 NUM


Google Book

MARCH 24, 2010, 5PM ROOM 304, BUILDING NO. 5 NUM


Google Reader

MARCH 31, 2010, 5PM ROOM 304, BUILDING NO. 5 NUM


New Acquisitions at the ACMS Library


Each month the ACMS publishes a list of materials acquired and added to the collection. The complete list for February 2010 can be viewed on the ACMS library website at http://www.mongoliacenter.org/library/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=647&Itemid=54. Here are a few highlights:

Dervish and qalandar: Texts from Kashghar. 1987, Jarring, G. Stockholm, Sweden: Distribution: Almqvist & Wiksell International.

N. Saiisiyaltu-yin naiiraġulul durasumji-yin tegu̇bu̇ri  “Collection of Essays and Memos Written by N.Saisaalt”  2007, Saiisiyaltu, N. [Ulaġanqada]: Ȯbu̇r Mongġol-un Sinjileku̇ UqaġanTeknik Mergejil-u̇n Keblel-u̇n Qoriy-a.

Tajiki: An elementary textbook Vol. I,II. 2009, Khojayori, N. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.


Grants, Scholarships, Fellowships



Global Supplementary Grant Program for Doctoral Studies

The Open Society Institute's Network Scholarship Programs is pleased to announce the Global Supplementary Grant Program (GSGP) for the 2010-2011 academic year. GSGP offers supplementary grants to enable students from select countries of Eastern and Central Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Mongolia to pursue doctoral studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences at accredited universities in Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle/Near East, and North America. Deadline: For students pursuing a Ph.D. in Asia, Australia, North America, Middle East is April 2, 2010. For students pursuing a Ph.D. in Europe is June 10, 2010. Visit: http://www.soros.org/initiatives/scholarship/focus_areas/global_supple



Faculty Development Fellowship Program 2011 

The Network Scholarship Programs department of the Open Society Institute is offering Faculty Development Fellowships to outstanding faculty teaching social sciences and humanities in the universities of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. These Fellowships are to encourage faculty to generate innovative approaches to curricular and pedagogic reform, develop and introduce new content in university courses, raise the quality of instruction in higher education in the countries served, and build and sustain local and international academic networks.  Each award supports up to three semesters in the United States – one semester at the US host university (Spring Semester), and the subsequent semester back in the home university (Fall Semester). Eligible applicants must currently hold a full time teaching position in the field of American Studies, art history, cultural anthropology, history, law,  philosophy, political science, religion, social work, or sociology at an accredited university in one of these countries. Deadline: March 10, 2010, Open Society Institute. Contact: www.soros.org/initiatives/scholarship/focus_areas/facult_scholarships



SWSEEL 2010, Indiana University


Applications are being accepted to study Introductory Mongolian at the 2010 Summer Workshop in Slavic, East European and Central Asian languages (SWSEEL) at Indiana University. The course is from June 18 - August 13, 2010 and fellowships are available. Deadline: March 22, 2010. Contact: Adam Julian, swseel@indiana.edu, (812) 855-2608 or visit  www.indiana.edu/~iuslavic/swseel/



International Higher Education Support Fellowship 2010-2011


The Open Society Institute invites applications for the International Scholars Fellowship Program which selects highly qualified scholars in the social sciences and humanities to assist Academic Fellowship Program (AFP) partner departments where Returning Scholars are placed. The International Scholars advise on the overall reform agenda of the departments and share with departmental colleagues the latest developments in their discipline, collaborate on the introduction of new courses, and encourage the development of skills critical to academic work. Academic fields supported include anthropology, area/cultural studies, economics, gender studies, history, human rights & public law, international relations, journalism/media studies, philosophy, political science, psychology, public policy/environmental studies, public policy/public health, social work, and sociology. Candidates must be well-established or senior scholars and hold an internationally-recognized PhD. AFP accepts applications for placements in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, and Ukraine. Fellowships, which begin in August or September 2010 and last one academic year, include a modest stipend, transportation, accommodation, and various other allowances, and can be renewed. Deadline: April 7, 2010. visit  http://www.soros.org/initiatives/hesp/focus/afp or contact: Open Society Institute, Higher Education Support Program, Academic Fellowship Program, Budapest, Hungary, afp@osi.hu, (36-1) 327-3210



Call for Papers, Applications and Manuscripts


The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences of the Government of Mongolia and the National Association for Mongol Studies are asking Mongolian Universities, Academic Institutes/scientific agencies and researchers to submit information for the following two programs:



Candidates for the Mongolian Presidential Prize of Mongol Studies


Deadline: June 1st, 2010. This prize is for researchers under the age of 40

Contact: Dr. O. Adiya, Mongolian Academy of Sciences. e-mail: nomciv@magicnet.mn tel: 976-11-263364



Candidates for the annual Summer School for Young Mongolists - 2010 and abstract/paper submissions for the Scientific Conference to be held within the framework of the Summer School Program


Duration of Summer School: June 23 to July 14, 2010, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Deadline for applications: May 1st, 2010

Deadline for abstracts in English: May 1st, 2010

Deadline for accepting papers in Mongolian (Cyrillic script) or in English: May 15th, 2010

Contact: Ms. Naranchimeg M., National Association for Mongol Studies (International Institute for the Study of Nomadic Civilizations) e-mail: nomciv@magicnet.mn, naranchimegm@yahoo.com, tel: + 976-11-315100



Central Eurasian Studies Society Eleventh Annual Conference (2010)

October 28-31, 2010, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, U.S.A.
The Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) invites panel and paper proposals for the Eleventh Annual CESS Conference to be held at Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI. Panel and paper topics relating to all aspects of humanities and social science scholarship on Central Eurasia are welcome. Deadline: Friday, March 5, 2010

Visit: http://www.units.muohio.edu/cess/CFP_2010.html



22nd Annual Nicholas Poppe Symposium on Central/Inner Asian Studies

Saturday, May 8, 2010, 8:30 am to 6 pm, Denny Hall, University of Washington

Papers from students and faculty pertaining to Central/Inner Asia are being solicited. Most welcome are papers that address the topic of "Environmental Issues of Central/Inner Asia"

Abstract deadline: April 19, 2010. Contact: Ilse Cirtautas, Department of Near Eastern Languages & Civilization, University of Washington, Seattle, WA at icirt@u.washington.edu



Camel Conference


May 25-26, 2011

“Camel Cultures: Historical Traditions, Present Threats and Future Prospects” will be held at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, London). The conference will address all aspects of camel culture, past, present and future and in all continents. It will deal with both material and cultural concerns, and will cover both Dromedary and Bactrian camels. To present a paper or for further information contact camelconference@soas.ac.uk or visit www.soas.ac.uk/camelconference


Power and Movement across Eurasia



April 10, 2010 The Organizations for the Advancement of Studies of Inner Eurasian Societies (OASIS) at Columbia University, New York University, and Yale University are pleased to announce the third annual OASIES Student Conference. Topic: Power and Movement Across Eurasia.” The conference seeks to bring together scholars who deal with different regions and epochs of Eurasian history and culture in order to examine the relationship between power, in all its forms, and movement, within and across the Eurasian steppe and its neighboring regions, from a variety of disciplinary and methodological perspectives. For more information regarding the event visit www.oasies.org


A call for papers has been issued for a special issue of Central Asian Survey which will focus on ‘Movement, Power and Place in and Beyond Central Asia.’ Rather than
analyzing "flows" in the abstract, the papers in this volume will address the practices, material infrastructures and political relations through which people, ideas, images and things move or are moved, and also cross, and remake boundaries of various kinds.  Papers will appear in the Spring 2011 issue of Central Asian Survey. Deadline: March 10th, 2010. Contact: Madeleine Reeves madeleinereeves@gmail.com or visit www.informaworld.com/ccas



The Soviet in Everyday Life Project



The Open Society Institute Higher Education Support Program invites junior university faculty or PhD candidates in the former Soviet Union (excluding the Baltics), as well as Mongolia, to submit applications for fellowships to attend the Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching (ReSET) program beginning July 2010. Eligible candidates will be from the disciplines of Anthropology, History, Sociology, Cultural Studies (Film/Literature), Area Studies, Communication/Media Studies, Geography, Political Science who plan to develop a course or develop a research project. The goal of the program is to pursue activities which will strengthen university-level teaching about the Soviet in everyday life, past and present. Undergraduate curricula throughout the former Soviet Union vary both by country and by discipline when it comes to how they deal with "the Soviet." We invite young faculty to consider curricula of higher education in their home countries in terms of how the study of the Soviet is represented there, and through their own research and the further development of courses related to the Soviet in everyday life. In some countries, social science textbooks and the lecturers who use them tend to avoid discussing the period entirely in order to avoid making a political misstep. When social science and philosophy courses do deal with the Soviet period, it is sometimes in simplistic and politicized terms ("empire," "totalitarian" and "gulag" or conversely "modernization" and "integration with the world through Russian culture"). In many places, there is not enough discussion of how the recent Soviet past can be studied for its influence on the present and some scholars have the attitude that that Soviet legacy is transparently understandable and has no need of further research or scholarly analysis. This can also be seen in the rejection of theoretical approaches such as post-colonialism and post-socialism in scholarly debates, where the consensus seems to be that each country had its own Soviet experience that is amenable neither to theorizing nor to comparison. Deadline: March 15, 2010  Contact: soviet.reset@gmail.com  or visit http://www.soros.org/initiatives/hesp/focus/reset



Short Term Visit to the EU for Young Researchers



Universities of the Coimbra Group are offering to sponsor short-term visits for young researchers from Eastern neighboring countries. Countries eligible in 2010 are: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Deadline: March 2010. For more information contact Anna Quici quici@coimbra-group.eu  or visit http://www.coimbra-group.eu/sp/02-ENC-Hospitality.php





April 20-22  North America-Mongolia Business Council (NAMBC) 20th Anniversary meeting will be held in Ottawa, Canada at the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel. Contact: NAMBC steve@nambc.org  or visit www.nambc.org