International Office

| Global MUST 

Welcome to MUST 

Greetings from the Office of International Relations & Social Partnerships(OIRSPs)!

Our office (OIRSP) is a MUST central policy-maker and headquarters for initiating, developing, and promoting its internationalization policy, programs, and actions as well as creating university-industry-government collaborations for green transition, a humane society, and good governance (sustainable development). We welcome all partners, scholars, and students to our global “MUST community”.

The mission of OIRSP is to create a MUST global and local community for collective impact for sustainable development. The collective impact focuses on promoting mutually beneficial relationships, social purpose partnering, and industry engagement. We can collaborate with any government or non-government organizations, companies, and individuals who support sustainable development.

Our study abroad and exchange programs aim to expose MUST scholars, students, and staff to the global best practices of education, industry research, and business. These programs will  help our people become better scholars and experts. We will better prepare our people for the rapidly changing global economy and labor market.

MUST will be a good choice if you want to obtain a quality education. We will do our best to obtain useful knowledge, skills, and attitudes during your time here. We promise that you will never regret studying here.

Thank you for visiting our university website.  We do hope that you will join our MUST community as one of us.


Dr. Uuganbayar Tumurkhuu, Ph.D

Director of International Relations & Social Partnerships

Associate Professor of MUST

976 – 11 - 329081

MUST Bldg-1, room 218

How to contact our people


How to visit OIRSP