Visiting Professor Program

| MUST’s Visiting Professor Program

The MUST’s Visiting Professor Program aims to recruit outstanding professors and excellent industrial experts for temporary teaching and research collaborations. Professors may come from international partner universities, foreign countries, and national and foreign industries. Please read the information below if you want to apply to the MUST’s Visiting Professor Program.

Who can participate in this program?

First, an applicant must contact a department of MUST in which the applicant wants to work. The applicant can apply to the MUST’s Visiting Professor Program if the department recruits the applicant.

Eligibility and Application Overview

To participate in the MUST’s Visiting Professor Program, the applicant must:

Required Documents for the Application

Applicants must prepare their documents in English or Mongolian in cooperation with the departments that will recruit them. They must submit the following documents to the Office of International Relations and Social Partnerships through their departments at MUST:

Please click here for more information about the MUST’s policy on visiting professors or lecturers.