Prof. Dr. Shutt, expert on The Accreditation Agency ASIIN e.V. , worked Power Engineering School on Nov 16-17, 2023. He inspected 14 laboratories and other facilities of Power Engineering School, Mongolian University of Science and Technology under the frame of five requirements for the extension of the accreditation of Electrical Power Supply bachelor and master programms, met director of PES, professors, lecturers, students and staff.
Therefore, Prof. Dr. Shutt presented an interesting presentation on “New Power Electronic Based Equipment for the Future Power Grid” to the professors, lecturers and students of Power Engineering School.
Thanks to the team who executed the work of accreditation for the program of electrical power supply, led by 2 Prof., Dr. Sergelen and Dr., Ass Prof. Gantumur, staff, training masters, lecturers, professors, academic affairs and quality assurance office, quality manager, director’s council of PES, director of PES, president of MUST.
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