Training on how to use Springer, one of the world's leading interactive databases for high-quality STM, and Zotero, citation management system, was successfully held on March 14, 2016 by cooperation between Office of Research and Innovation, MUST’s main library and Mongolian Libraries Consortium.
Many professors, faculties, and each s department’s director for research and innovation participated in the training; in its beginning, Vice-President Baasandash Ch. said ” In improving quality of research to the world standard, it is vital to use the database, to bolster its further usage, and to work collaboratively to improve and also to teach them to our students”.
During the training, Mongolian Libraries Consortium’s head, Gantulga.L gave a presentation on Introduction to Springer and Springerlink platform and Zotero. Furthermore, the head of the library, Gulnar Ch., made a post on “Databases used at MUST and its future state: Introduction to Russian databases” and Prof. Tsedenbayar D. shared his experience of his publication in Springer Printing.
Further info can be found at:
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