The meeting of the Joint Research Project on “Research and Development on Environmental and Earthquake Engineering in Mongolia” has been successfully conducted in Japan, 10-24 May, 2016
In frame of “Higher Engineering Education Development” project, the team members of the joint research program on “Research and Development on Environmental and Earthquake Engineering in Mongolia” had effectively been working at number of Japanese Universities and Institutes, 10-24 May, 2016.
The project entitled “Research and Development on Environmental and Earthquake Engineering in Mongolia” (J22D16) is comprised of 6 topical activities. The visit aimed at kickoff meetings with Japanese counterparts on 4 activities. (Rest of 2 activities will be considered in second phase of the project.) The meeting focused on the following issues: mutual interests in research, research methods, joint research plan, scientific papers as research outcome, exchange researchers and students, and ability to train Mongolian students in Japanese degree programs.
The research teams from Mongolian University of Science and Technology, MUST and research teams from Japanese Universities have signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for five years, under the MJEED joint research project.
Additionally, verbal agreement has made with Dr. Toshiaki Yokoi and Dr. Toshihide Kashima, to train students in degree program in Earthquake Engineering at IISEE, Building Research Institute within the project J22D16-1.
The research team would like to acknowledge the support from MUST, PIU and AsiaSEED.
Report by Tsoggerel Tsamba, Coordinator of the Project.
Joint Research meeting in IRIDeS,Tohoku University /2016-05-17/
Joint Research meeting in NIT, Miyakonojo College /2016-05-12/
Joint Research meeting in The University of Kitakyushu /2016-05-10/
Joint Research meeting inCEReS, Chiba University /2016-05-24/
Joint Research meeting in IISEE, Building Research Institute /2016-05-20/
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