“Khurel togoot”, the scientific conference takes places annually by Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports, Academy of Sciences, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Science and Technology Funding, Mongolian Young Scientists Association and Mongolian Association on Technology and Innovation of Young Researchers. This year “Khurel togoot-2016” took place at the conference hall of Central Library of Science and Technology, MUST on 15th October, 2016.
In the conference, Dr. Ch. Baasandash, Vice-president for Research and Innovation, MUST, N.Nyamdorj, coordinator of Mongolian Young Scientists Association, G. Gantuya, deputy director of Mongol Content LLC, Dr. Ch. Lodoiravsal, associate professor of NUM and 80 researchers participated. Thus, Dr. Ch. Chinchuluun, State Honored and Prof. Sang Bin Lee, professor from Korea participated as a guest speaker.
The conference presented in English and divided in to two parts such as innovation and applied sciences and technology and fundamental research. 50 research presentations from 100 researchers increase the character and value of the conference. Besides the local researchers, there were researchers participated from India, Korea, Italy and China.
First place of “Khurel togoot-2016” in Technology and Innovation, took by B. Tsolmonbaatar, a doctoral student of Pohang University of Science and Technology;
Second place took by Ts. Tengis, lecturer of School of Information and Communication Technology, MUST; and Third place took by Qian Yu, a doctoral student of School of Information and Communication Technology, MUST.
B. Tsolmonbaatar and T. Tengis nominated for Presidential honored price and Minister’s grant which is total amount of 4 million tugriks.
Special thanks to Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Science and Technology Funding and Chagdarjav fund, and MyTech LLC for its financial support.
We wish good luck for our researchers’ future academic endeavor.
Mongolian Association on Technology and Innovation of Young Researchers
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