Faculty members from Department of Physics; D. Nomindari and S. Tuya, School of Applied Sciences, MUST participate for the 7th Asia-Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users’ Conference on 24th to 28th October, 2016 in Incheon, Republic of Korea.
During the conference, lecturer D. Nomindari, Department of physics presented “Ground water distribution monitoring of Gobi region using MODIS data”, and lecturer S. Tuya, Laboratory of Remote sensing studies and Ecosystem presented “Satellite based evapotranspiration estimation in Mongolian steppe area”.
Special thanks to Prof. D. Buyantogtokh, Dean of the School of Applied Sciences, Dr. D. Nyamsuren, Vice-dean of the School of Applied Sciences and Dr. G. Munkhsaikhan, Head of the Department of Physics, School of Applied Sciences, MUST for their support.
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