In the frame work of “One Belt, One Road” project, The Government of People’s Republic of China has donated teaching aids and stationary on 22nd November, 2016.
At the ceremony, Mr. Pan Chin Lee, member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Mr. Lui Ron Hai, director of Governing board of Shin Hua college, Sun Yat-sen University, Ms. Lui Wan Lee, secretary of the President of Shin Hua college, Ms. Zou Fan, representative of IFMA in China and Mr. Wan Bao Shen, editor of CNS news agency and Prof. B. Ochirbat, President of MUST, Prof. P. Jargaltuya, Vice-president for Students’ Affairs and Cooperation, Prof. J. Tuyatsetseg, director of the School of Industrial Technology and Dr. M. Purevjav, academic secretary of the School of Industrial Technology attended by their presences.
Shin Hua college, Sun Yat-sen University and IFMA International management association donated 564.00 Yuan equal to 200 million tugriks of teaching aid and stationary (brush).
Shin Hua college of Sun Yat-sen University has 16.400 students, 753 faculty members and its education on 39 majors such as Chinese and foreign languages, law, finance and economy, nursery, ICT, biomedical and design etc.
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