“New idea – Best innovation” project competition has been initiated by the Mayor of the city to solve critical and facing issues and challenges based on new technological solutions to increase city residents participation for the development of Ulaanbaatar city. The competition held in main 3 themes and Mr. S. Batbold, Mayor of the city, awarded best participants on 15 December, 2016.
MUST faculty members participated with 4 project proposals in the theme “Smart Ulaanbaatar” such as “Traffic light climbing service robot” by A. Batmunkh, Ts. Tengis and B. Luubaatar, “Arranging public transportation monitoring and management system by IoT based smart grid” by G. Khishigjargal and D. Erdenetuya, “Developing intercommunication software of household and hospital continuum”, and “Various source traffic load control system” by T. Magsarjav.
Therefore, “Arranging public transportation monitoring and management system by IoT based smart grid” by G. Khishigjargal and D. Erdenetuya took second place in the theme of “Smart Ulaanbaatar”.
We sincerely wish good luck for academic endeavor for our faculty members.
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