The President of MUST Prof. T. Namnan today met with Kim Jun Mo, Country Director of KOICA Mongolia Office. They exchanged views on bilateral cooperation in the higher education development.
Emphasizing that KOICA contribution has been very meaningful in transforming MUST towards the higher educational reform for the new century, President Prof. Namnan briefed on the KOICA ODA projects at MUST.
During this meeting, MUST and KOICA had comprehensive discussion on achieving goals of the major KOICA projects that are currently under implementation. The first project is “Capacity Building Project of School of ICT at MUST in Mongolia”. The School of Information and Communication Technology is implementing this project. The second project is “Higher Education Capacity Building Project for Urban Development in Mongolia: S-Quad Project”. The Kick-off Meeting of the project will be held in the next. This project will be implemented at the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Two parties also exchanged ideas on deal with barriers that may affect the implementation of these two projects.
KOICA Country Director Kim Jun Mo emphasized that KOICA will support MUST more, so that MUST students and staff will benefit more from KOICA various programs including KOICA master degree scholarship program, KOICA’s fellowship program (CIAT) and other ODA projects. Expressing gratitude for being informed of the MUST intention, the Country Director Kim Jun Mo voiced his readiness to advance cooperation in the higher education development.
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