The delegation led by the President Prof. Namnan Tumurpurev participated the meeting “Korea-Mongolia Policy Development Meeting” at Chuson University and Gwangju Health University on 24 to 25th October, 2024 in Republic of Korea.
The meeting was attended by officials led by the Mr. Ahn Do Geol, a former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Korea, and member of the National Assembly, and Presidents of Chuson University and Gwangju Health University. During the meeting, it was decided to cooperate in the implementation of international projects in the following three areas, which will increase the leadership of the university in achieving the goals of sustainable development, and create the three-way joint effect of cooperation between the university, the state and the private sector. First, to jointly participate and invest in the implementation of smart city projects based on artificial intelligence (AI) in new residential areas. Implementation of projects and programs under the support of Gwangju city administration within the framework of localization of South Korean know-how in this field. Second, to implement an international project to create a new digital and intelligent social work training and research field in order to bring Mongolia's social work sector to meet with modern trends. Therefoer, within the framework of this goal, the creation of a university campus with a social service infrastructure that supports the development of faculty members and students, the learning of citizens with disabilities, and the creation of international health programs. Third, based on digital technology, a project will be implemented to increase education on national cultural heritage for young people and create a space for digitalization of cultural heritage.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed at Gwangju Health University for participation of the MUST in the “Glocal University 30” project funded by the Government of the Republic of Korea. This year, 6 universities and 4 alliances of universities were selected from 20 universities on the summary list of the Ministry of Education to implement the project. Within the framework of this project, degree and non-degree professional development programs in the field of "Digital and Smart Social Work" will be jointly developed at MUST. It was also agreed to establish training and policy research laboratories and implement teacher and student exchange and professional internship programs in order to support the development of teaching and research in both universities.
During the meeting held at Chusun University, it was agreed to cooperate in the admission of MUST to the Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE), the best professional association in the country. By joining the association, faculty members and researchers of MUST will have access to publish their papers in journals registered in "Scopus" and "Web of Science". Therefore, School of Information Technology Convergence of Chusun University, and School of Information and Communication Technology and School of Applied Sciences of MUST will organize joint researchers' seminars and implement joint research projects. School of Natural Sciences, Public Health, and Safety of Chusun University agreed to develop and implement a joint program in the field of data analytics with School of Applied Sciences of MUST.
Office of International Relations and Social Partnerships
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