The Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) has been successfully accredited for the fourth time for a period of 10 years until 2034. The accreditation is an important step in reaffirming the quality of education, research and development, and management of the university.
MUST is a leading university in Mongolia that trains engineering and technology professionals, and is known for its internationally recognized training facilities and laboratories, highly qualified faculty members, and innovative and research-oriented activities. Every year, thousands of students study engineering and technology at the university, preparing them to become professionals who are competitive in the global labor market.
This 10-year accreditation will further strengthen the reputation of the university and make a valuable contribution to the continuous development of the quality of education, international cooperation, and research.
ШУТИС-ийн багш нарт төрийн дээд цол, одон, медаль хүртээлээ
Цагаан сарыг угтан бүх нийтийн уламжлалт их цэвэрлэгээний аянд ШУТИС нэгдлээ
"ОЮУТНЫ ФИЗИКИЙН УЛСЫН IV ОЛИМПИАД"-д ШУТИС-ийн оюутнууд амжилттай оролцлоо
Япон улсын “SMC” корпорацитай хамтран ажиллах санамж бичиг байгууллаа
ШУТИС-ийн хамт олон цагаан сарын баярын өмнө ахмад настнуудаа хүлээн авч хүндэтгэл үзүүллээ