On April 12-28, 2007 the traditional English Olympics was held among students who are majoring in different engineering fields at MUST. The participants were students who have been studying English for 2-3 semesters.
The Olympics consisted of three stages and students who successfully passed the first (a written test) and second (a written essay) presented on the topic of “English Language and My Profession” for the third and final stage on 28 April, 2007. The students demonstrated their ability to present in English fluently.
The winner for first place from the Civil Constuction Engineering School was G.Anar, second place were students A. Bodigerel from the Computer Science and Management School and D. Naranjargal from theTelecommunication and Information Technology. Third place were students B.Ariun from the Telecommunication and Information Technology, J. Munkhtsetseg from the Computer Science and Management School and B. Bilguunjav from the Computer Science and Management School.
First place winner from the Foreign Language School was J. Batchimeg. Second place from the Foreign Language School was B. Undram, and third place was V. Gerelmaa.
The Olympics was sponsored by the “Shirt Mеn’s Collection Shop”.
The winners were awarded certificates, books and dictionaries, which were from the Peace Corps of the U.S.A and shirts and ties from the “Shirt Mеn’s Collection Shop”. In the future the traditional English Olympics will be expanded and will be reorganized as an On-line English Olympics and will include more students.
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