Mr. Ren Tingtz, President of Shandun University of Science and Technology, Mrs. Lipin, Chair of the International Affairs Office, Professor Jou Shihiu , School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering and Professor Yu Shenven, School of Geomathematics visited MUST on September 26, 2015.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the two universities was signed in the field of Geodesy in 2010. During this visit they extended the duration of the MOU and discussed the mutual cooperation for the future.
As a result of the discussions, based on the requests of the Rector, two universities will work in partnership in the following ways implementing a joint program in other fields, and working mutually for BA and MA degree programs.
In accordance with the government agreement, within the program, which focuses its attention on preparing 1000 highly qualified engineers, the students will also have an opportunity to study at Shandun University of Science and Technology with special discounts.
Moreover, the students and professors from Shandun University will have a chance to do joint field trips and research work, implement different projects, donate educational facilities and establish joint laboratories at MUST.
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